Pumpkin Lollipop

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Pumpkin Lollipop


Cooking Time

Preparation Time :15 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 25 Min


Serves : 4
  • 2 large potatoes boiled and peeled 100 gm pumpkin peeled and grated 3 bread slices 2-3 green chillies 1 small piece ginger 2 teaspoons cornflour Few springs coriander leaves 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder Salt to taste Oil for deep fry


  • Boil and peel the potatoes and grate pumpkin. Mash well. Crush peeled ginger,green chillies and coriander leaves in mixer grinder
  • Add crushed ginger,green chillies paste,salt,garam masala and cumin powder.
  • Soak the bread slices in water for 2-3 minutes,squeeze the water well and ad to the pumpkin mixture. Add corn flour and mix well.Mix well to form a dough.
  • Shape into small lollipops from the dough and deep fry from both sides till golden.
  • Let it cool for 5 minutes. Now insert lollipop sticks or snack pickers into each lollipop.